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Air Pollution Essay in Odia Pdf || Bayu Pradushana in Odia Essay

Air pollution essay in odia pdf, bayu pradushana in odia essay, our environment essay in odia, paribesh pradushan odia rachana. Paribesa surakhya odia essay, air pollution in odia pdf.

Air Pollution Essay in Odia Pdf

Role: Air is the basis of life of living beings. Atmosphere is a very important part of the environment. Air is very essential for human life. Human life cannot be imagined without air. In the last few years, a big problem of air pollution has arisen in front of the world. Air pollution is taking a terrible form day by day. For the last several years, the number of factories in every city has increased a lot, due to which the atmosphere has been affected a lot. In 2015, 11 lakh people died due to pollution. Clean environmental air is very important to stay healthy. When there is a change in the composition of the air, there is a danger to health.

Meaning of air pollution: Air pollution means that the air becomes polluted due to the unnecessarily mixing of some elements in the air. Air pollution occurs when any kind of harmful substances such as chemicals, microscopic substances or organic substances are found in the environment.

When the internal structure is affected due to dust, smoke, toxic, gas, chemical vapors, scientific experiments in the air, that is, when the air becomes harmful to man and his environment when there is an excess of foreign substances, then this condition is called air. called pollution.

Reason for Air Pollution: The reason for the increase in air pollution so much is the wide spread of industries, increase in the number of smokeless vehicles and over-exploitation of sources of energy for domestic uses. The fresh air of the environment is getting contaminated day by day due to the addition of various, organic molecules, and many types of harmful materials. 

The increasing population of the world has made more use of natural resources. Large cities are becoming barren due to industrialization. The smoke emitted from vehicles and factories contains trace amounts of sulfur-di-oxide, which first turns into sulfide and later into sulfuric acid and remains in the air in the form of droplets. Some chemical gases reach the atmosphere and react with the ozone layer there and reduce their quantity, due to which air pollution also increases. If carbon-di-oxide, carbon-mono-oxide, nitrogen, oxide, hydrocarbon continue to be found in the atmosphere in this way, then air pollution will reach its peak.

Bayu Pradushana in Odia Essay

The biggest causes of air pollution are textile factories, chemical factories, oil refineries, sugar factories, metallurgical and cardboard factories, fertilizer and pesticide factories. Carbon-di-oxide, nitrogen, carbon-monoxide, sulphur, lead, beryllium, zinc, cadmium, mercury and dust from these factories reach the atmosphere directly, due to which air pollution increases. One reason for air pollution is the increasing population and people moving to cities. Trees and forests are cut continuously for the provision of living space and housing for the people, due to which there is an increase in air pollution. When there is no proper cleaning of public and personal toilets, due to which the air pollution in a particular area increases greatly.

When the skin of animals is removed and their dead body is thrown in the open space and due to the decomposition of its body, the stench spreads in the air, which causes air pollution. Nuclear energy contaminates the atmosphere due to space travel, nuclear technology development, or explosion or action for research work.

Solution to air pollution: Very soon some steps will have to be taken to reduce air pollution. We have to keep the smoke of homes, factories, factories, and vehicles within their limits and reduce firecrackers' use. The garbage should be thrown at regular place instead of burning.

All laws have to be strictly followed to prevent air pollution. The number of private vehicles will have to be reduced. The proper facilities of the public transport system will have to be controlled. Pollution control certificate is mandatory and air laws will have to be followed.

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Compelling private institutions to protect the environment will have to be controlled. Vehicles powered by solar, hydro, gas and electric energy will have to be invented and produced in place of petrol, diesel. The use of lead-free petrol has to be controlled. The misuse of vehicles has to be controlled. Deforestation should be encouraged. 

Prevention Of Air Pollution Essay in Odia Pdf 

  • Prevention of air pollution: The air can be saved from contamination by removing the contaminants from the air. We can also reduce air pollution by forest conservation and tree plantation. In place of firewood, other alternatives of energy should be explored. Waste should be disposed of properly.
  • Government should encourage afforestation. Industrial institutions should be located away from residential places. 
  • Masks or goggles should be used while driving the vehicle. The government should use policies that work from home. 
  • The cycle should be used as much as possible so that there is no air pollution.
  • Trees around their homes should be taken care of and protected. Electricity should not be used when it is not needed much. 
  • The cooler or fan should be run where you need it, the fan or cooler of the other places should be turned off. Instead of burning dry leaves, they should be used as manure.
  • The pollution of your vehicle must be checked every three months. Always use leaded petrol. The effect of pollution in the house is very less than outside, that is why when the pollution outside becomes more, then it should go inside the houses.

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